Objective: To observe the symptom and to discuss the method of diagnosis and therapy for tuberculous abscess in the parapharyngeal space. 目的:研究咽旁间隙结核性脓肿的临床症状、体征、诊断和治疗。
Tuberculous Lymph Node Abscess Treatment on Cervical 结核性颈淋巴结脓肿治疗80例分析
Tuberculous abscess in the parapharyngeal space 咽旁间隙结核性脓肿
The acute or chronic ileus, hemorrhage of digestive tract, intestinal perforation or fistula, intra abdominal large tuberculous abscess and abdominal sinus caused by tuberculosis of mesentric lymph nodes should be surgically treated. 因肠系膜淋巴结结核引起急、慢性肠梗阻不能缓解、消化道出血,肠穿孔或肠瘘,腹腔巨大结核性脓肿不能控制或脓肿穿破腹壁形成窦道等需外科治疗。
One case: Brodie ′ s abscess of the heel bone misdiagnosed as tuberculous bone abscess 跟骨Brodie's脓肿误诊为结核性骨脓肿1例
Conclusions: Incision and drainage should not be done in tuberculous retropharyngeal abscess in order to prevent the incision from no healing up. 结论:确诊为结核性咽后脓肿后不宜行咽后壁切开排脓,以防切口经久不愈合。
Conclusions Pulmonary aspergilloma possess of specific CT features. differential diagnosis consists of pulmonary tuberculous cavity, lung abscess, cancerous cavity, caseous necrosis of a tuberculoma and hematoma within a cyst. 结论肺曲菌球的CT表现具有一定的特征,但诊断时仍需要与结核空洞、肺脓肿、癌性空洞、结核瘤溶解、囊肿内血肿等鉴别。
A case of tuberculous peritonitis complicated with giant retroperitoneal abscess and umbilical fistula 结核性腹膜炎并发腹膜后鞘巨大脓肿和脐瘘一例报告
Effect of Shengji Yuhong Ointment in Promoting Healing of Postoperative Wound of Tuberculous Perianal Abscess and Anal Fistula 生肌玉红膏对结核性痈瘘术后创口愈合的促进作用